Request from a fellow Otaku

I've been asked by OtakuAlchemist to post this message...

'Have you ever lost someone dear? A sibling, cousin, best friend? Well, on Saturday, the otaku community lost someone who, though not on this site, was someone who would have been your best friend right away, without knowing who you are or what your story is.

For the grieving family of Courtnei Lotridge, I want to put together a book of prayers for them from you Otakuites, the kindest subculture in the world. They need to know that people from all corners of the world are here for them, and they need to know as soon as possible, to help them get through these trying times.

And if you can't see yourself praying like this, put yourself in their shoes. Your sister, your daughter, your best friend, is gone. Forever. The hurt in your heart will never go away. Wouldn't you want someone to tell you that you're in their prayers?

Please PM your prayers to OtakuAlchemist, and be a part of piecing together the hearts of those who love her dearly.'
