Writer-types, Take Notice!


Well, I held off for a month until we really got things rolling and in the groove and probably most of you here at the Watercooler already know about it... but I think it's time we made an official debut!

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present a new World:

Welcome to The Writers Bloc, the home base for theOtaku.com's beta-readers and a place for writers to come with questions and learn some new tricks and methods of storytelling, writing, or pretty much anything involving this mutt of a language we call Modern English.

What We Offer:

We love to write, and we want others to share this passion with us! Do you:

  • Have a fanfic or an essay that you'd like a fresh pair of eyes to look over for you?
  • Hunger for some new ideas and concepts about written language?
  • Hope to maybe pick up a dreadfully impressive-sounding word or two?
  • Harbour questions about writing techniques or mechanics?
  • Hunger to tell others about something you yourself know or love about writing?

If any of the above apply to you, I wholeheartedly invite you to come on over and take a look.

What We Do:

With Version Vibrant's inclusion of Fan Words, member-based writing has become more important than ever! In an effort to promote this extremely satisfying art and form medium, we've come together with all our own bits of knowledge and specialties to help each other out.

Along with being the prime location to contact our ever-growing list of very talented beta-readers, The Writers Bloc is a place to learn, teach, and even practice writing.

Directing the weekly setup for The Writers Bloc is myself and long-time member NightBeck. We both have our weekly writing workshops where we'll cover everything and anything from grammar to character development - from using semicolons to using parallel scenes. Along with those every week, I'll also post random vocabulary words while Beck'll set up an interactive (and far more interesting) writing prompt to encourage everyone to write a little something every weekend. Also joining us every week is a new guest poster who can bring a fresh voice and different flavour to every week; and if you would like to be a guest poster for a week or two, all you need do is ask.

All You Really Need To Know:

As I repeat every week during open questions on Fridays, the most important thing to remember about The Writers Block is that we're not professional writers, teachers, or anything. We're all just members - peers - who love to write, hoping to help out other members and their own interests in writing.

So come check out the Writers Bloc some time; I promise, there are far worse ways to spend a few minutes out there.

