The Ichigo Pool

Ichigo will be in Japan for…eh, we’ll round it to 14 weeks. 89 days or whatever. With this announcement, speculation of how long it would take him to be arrested (for being a foreigner and for being, well, him) soon arose.

And then I had a brilliant idea. A pool.

So step right up! It’s the random pool to see how long it’ll take for our favorite strawberry to be arrested! All you’ve got to do is leave a comment and you will be randomly placed on the chart.

But just because there are 14 weeks doesn’t mean that only 14 people can join! Doubles may occur depending on how many people we get.

And what is the oh-so-sophisticated system for drawing lots? Me, a hat, and slips of paper. For your satisfaction, I’ll even post…um, pictures? Videos? I dunno, are you guys that psycho about something that’s really going to yield nothing?

Prizes? What’s that? 8D

Place yer bets!
