Changing the mood.

Ill start the abusing with the guest posting by putting up some of my favorite one-liners. These will just be little, stupid quotes that, I find, are pretty amusing.

So, here goes:

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
Mental backup in progress - Do Not Disturb!
Mind Like A Steel Trap - Rusty And Illegal In 37 States
Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of.
Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have
The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something
When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand

There are more, but Id like to not waste everyones time.

Later everyone
