Moar Abridged Goodnessness!

(The extra "ness" is on purpose, thanks.)

Might as well get this out before going to bed. Today's Youtube masterpiece of comedy goes by the name of "SMA Series." What could those initials possibly mean? Sailor Moon Abridged, of course. Plenty of jokes about the DiC dub, and it's pretty funny. This one's done by Megami33 and it's basically the only good abridging of Sailor Moon on Youtube (she says so herself in this very episode!)

Anyway, I'm actually posting episode 18 for a couple of reasons. One is the fact that this one starts okay and takes a while to progress past that, but is worth watching 100% after that. The other is this episode is the one where Zoicite manages to sum up just about everyone's thoughts seeing Sailor Moon for the first time:

"What the **** is wrong with this show?!"
