Meet your fellow otaku and enjoy some anime at the weekly Anime Club meetings in the Community Chat.
What's the Anime Club?
The Anime Club is a weekly chat room in theOtaku's community chat where we meet to have fun laughing, crying, heckling, and spazzing together while watching a few episodes of anime. The anime will most likely be available on streaming sites since we're mainly going to stick to unlicensed shows. I hope the Anime Club will be a good opportunity for people to find new series and genres that they enjoy, and for series to gather support for if/when they're licensed.
What are you watching?
We're currently watching Tales of Symphonia, a four episode fantasy/adventure OAV. It's based on the video game and follows the same story of Colette's journey to save the world of Sylvarant from ruin.
When are the next episodes?
We will be watching Tales of Symphonia episodes 3 - 4 on Saturday, October 4, at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Pacific). The chat room will open about a half hour early, around 9:30 PM Eastern, and both episodes together will last about an hour. We hope to see you there!
The password for the chat room will be: rheaird
What anime is next?
Alas, Tales of Symphonia is already coming to an end ... kind of. Another four episodes have been approved for production, to cover the second half of the game's story, so we'll be looking forward to those. But, for now, it's time to pick another anime to follow it. Current ideas are: Clannad, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!, Kaiba, REC, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Sumomomo Momomo
Leave a comment to let us know what you'd like to see next and feel free to suggest other anime as well.