Informative Questionnaire Time

Because we need to break away from posting endless YouTube videos. :P


1) Have you RPed before? Do you RP now?

2) Did you ever knowingly buy a bootleg CD or DVD? How about unknowingly?

3) Have you been to a convention before? (Anime, video game, etc.)

4) Do you like Disney? The "classic" Disney films?

5) What's your favorite color so we can pair you with a character who has that color featured in their outfit?

6) Weapons or powers?

7) Who's your favorite author? OR DO YOU NOT READ BOOKS?

8) Cats or dogs?

9) Favorite Final Fantasy game?

10) What is your worst school horror story? (Ex. "I walked around the school all day with toilet paper coming out of my pants.")

11) Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony?

12) Quick! What super special CD should we all buy this minute because it's so full of awshum?

13) Do you own an iPod?

14) Do you own a car?

15) Cake or Death?
