Meet your fellow otaku and enjoy some anime at the weekly Anime Club meetings in the Community Chat.
What's the Anime Club?
The Anime Club is a weekly chat room in theOtaku's community chat where we meet to have fun laughing, crying, heckling, and spazzing together while watching a few episodes of anime. The anime will most likely be available on streaming sites since we're mainly going to stick to unlicensed shows. I hope the Anime Club will be a good opportunity for people to find new series and genres that they enjoy, and for series to gather support for if/when they're licensed.
What are you watching?
We're currently watching REC, a ten episode romantic comedy series. (The episode count only goes to 9 but there's a bonus episode 7.5.) It's a very sweet little series about an aspiring voice actress that fans of romance and drama should enjoy.
When are the next episodes?
We will be watching REC episodes 1 - 5 on Saturday, November 8, at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Pacific). The chat room will open a half hour early, around 9:30 PM Eastern, and the episodes will last about an hour altogether. We hope to see you there!
The password for the chat room will be: umaiki