TOFC Results!

Hey all! This is Miss A with the results of my theOtaku Fan Challenge. Thanks to all who participated! I really enjoyed reading your entries (no really, I did).

Here's everyone who entered:
divisionten on Kino
Katana (Nyquil-induced, even) on Mike
Miss Anonymous on Shino (in case you missed it the first time)
Mistress Duck on Kagome
Nehszriah on Usopp
Sangome on Jade Curtiss
Shinmaru on Tenma
TheMask on Conan
TimeChaser on the Doctor (is anyone really surprised?)

Thanks again to everyone who took the challenge on.
And to those who did not, the challenge still stands if you're willing to take it. Just no special prize for you. :P

Here's some late participants:
TimberWolf on Leon Magnus

Remember, kiddies! No matter who your favorite is, there is one single truth: There will always be SMUT of them.
