When Shigeru's Away, Hideo Will Play...

Alright, so the Mega64 guys have been around for a while and are pretty well known in gamer circles as basically the ballsiest gamers in America. They've dressed up as Vaan from FFXII and gone around town saying "I'm Captain Basch!" They've done Ghosts & Goblins where a single monster attack knocks off your clothes. They've dressed as the Resident Evil 4 merchant asking what people were buying/selling, and what he would buy at a high price.

So once upon a time, they dressed up as Mario and Luigi and were off on their merry way around town, when suddenly someone especially spontaneous stopped the show:

So that was two years ago... this year, they've done more of the same, but with a twist ending:

. . . y'know, in case we needed more evidence that Hideo Kojima is awesomely insane . . .

Anyway, if you're curious, Mega64's YouTube channel is here.
