Hey there everyone~

Feeling so talkative today, but it seems no one really wants to talk to me... :/ So I'll just bother you, haha~
-Anyways, my school's hosting a blood drive this week, which i so humbly signed up for. Only thing is I have a fear of needles.... Why in the world did I ever sign up for the blood drive again...? TT TT I can't backout now though~!!! I gotta be strong and find out my blood type! That's been driving me crazy for years now.... Mabye it's just my curious nature but I feel the need to know random information about myself like that. I meam, what if I got into an accident and didn't know my blood type? This is serious shit. -nod nod-

-Went down to Florida to see my grandparents last week. It wasn't really a relaxing trip though. My grand father had open heart surgery and spent most of our time going back forth from the icu. Thankfully, he has recovered at an amazing rate!~ Just the day after the surgery he was already walking around the icu floor. Going to Florida was also my first time riding on a airplane by myself. At first it made me super nervous.... But after I got to Atlanta airport I realized that I totally got this~!

~Hope everyone's doing well~

