So this is the Crypt, a world themed around my 'ancients' mangas. Mainly Cairos. I'm Zanae Zeagen, aspiring manga artist and artist in general. I update whenever I can, which is a challenge indeed now that I have no scanner or computer of my own. When I return, keep a look out for 'Illia'. A new 'ancients' manga to do with an ancient aztec prince.

The tomb is dank and deathly silent. You step lightly over any number of traps and snares. A pit of venemous snakes is mere childsplay, and you pole-vault over it with ease. One step, two steps across the echoing corridor.
A loud exclamation stops you in your tracks. You pause, and caustiously continue onwards, towards the hollow alcove containing the inner tomb and coffin.

Your palms are clammy. Your breathing lauboured and heart racing.

And sneak a look. Only to see four figures contorted on the ground as though in great pain, one groaning and the other swearing loudly wihtout pausing for breath, a dark haired girl with a fringe that flops over her eye and an alarmed expression. They appear to be...playing twister.

The blonde haired, dark skinned boy whom she is swearing at spots you at once and offers a simmering smile.

" Oh, hi. Wev'e been waiting. fancy a game of twister?" Prince Knut waves you over.

Won't you come in?

God, that was a long winded introduction x.X

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