Ya I'm Bad ah well......

So I snapped today and beat the hell out of Aaron *sigh* He went down like a wimp. Screamed like a little girl too, but now I feel kinda bad. I didn't really....well I did want to knock his teeth out.....but he was just so annoying T_T dam I hate this feeling. Anways Sal said not to worry, and it was the right thing to do.....but I still feel kinda bad for snapping in the first place.

On to a lighter subject. Guess what I got on physics. XD an A lulz. I was so worried and crap but I got an A. Goes to show life is just a kick in the proverbial pants.

Melisa and I are going out in about an hour on a date *sigh* I'm running out of money heh. We're going to see Friday 13th I think. I've heard it's pretty good, but IDK I'm not really into scary movies. They're kinda retarded to me. *shrugs*

Ya that's it.
