
._.; I completely forgot about my birthday.....wow so I'm 20.....I feel old....Soji got me up at five this morning to say happy b-day heh. Wish she had just let me sleep in. I do like the fact that every year I get Spring Break on my birthday, so I can say that the reason it's spring break is because it's my b-day. Anyways I'll probably drive back up to the University today and celebrate with my friends. Family's great and all, but I really want to see Melisa, so we can go out and watch a movie or something.

Melisa lives around the University campus, so when I come home on breaks, I never get to see her. Sal sometimes stalks me home, but he went to Florida apparently on a whim. Taylor went to Virginia to visit relatives or something like that. Melisa and her friends went to California, but I think they're back. Man I feel like the only guy who didn't go anywhere or do anything ._.

