; The world created by me for all you bleach fans out there!
Do you sometimes have the urge to talk nothing but bleach all day?
At school, do all your friends give you weird looks when your rant on about bleach?
If so, then this is the place for you! Express your Bleach fandom here, all day, everyday. Participate in all kinds of fun activities that I'll be posting ^_^ Such as...
- The would you rather game
- Humor caption competition
- Name that quote
- What would happen if....? (predictions)
- Mini story writing (people take it in turns to write a paragraph of the story each)
- Word game. Take it in turns to write one word, bleach related. Last letter must join with the first. Eg, Ichigo, Orihime
.... Plus general/serious/not-so-serious discussions on the Anime/Manga
If you think this sounds interesting, why not subscribe to keep updated?
And remember, this world is for pure fun 

Bleach fans gathered so far...
- demon dragon (me)
- LoveIsDaKey
- TrinityLight
- Mercury Dragon
- Nanao44
- KawaiiPinkPanda
- DarkFox 013
Please spread the word so we can make this place more fun and interactive! =D
Bleach wasnt updated yesterday GRR! this upsets me hee hee
Also i want to share part of last nights nightmare i had with you guys. The last episode of bleach was coming out. yeah thats all. Scary tho! i dont wanna see bleach end i love it too much!
well enjoy tonights episode everyone
So I thought this place was in need of an update!!
Who has seen the Bleach movie? preveiw sneak peaks!!!
Alrightim hoping you all remember how to play this,just guess the rest of the lyrics from bleach and say the name of the song.these are really sang in japanese but im doing them in english.
Rain...in the rain the day before,and the day before that
SLOW MOTION Suddenly love
Alone,just alone;one person,
Because I couldn't protect
- - - - - - - -
looking for the next 8 words and the name of the song!
Hi everyone!
Ugghhh, I am so sorry for not updating this world for a while :O remember, you guys have the free will to post about anything on here XD Go nuts!
This post is going to be about "a continous story", bleach related of course.
We are all going to take it in turns to write a paragraph each of the story. I start, and the first person to comment gets to continue where I left off. The second person repliesto the first person's commented part of the story, and so on ^_^
Do you all get what to do now? Hehe.
There are no limitations to what you are going to write, so beware to witness lots of plot changes lol.
You can make the part of your story as long as you like (just not as long as an essay ^^;;;)
Ok! Shall I begin?
Renji wanted to get out of here. He hated working late at night, sorting out the paperwork... especially when it was with his Captian.
Byakuya had been making lamer and lamer jokes each day. Ever since he had told that "joke" about cutting his hair with his zanpakuto, he thought it'd be hillarious if he sprung more "jokes" on people.
Renji watched Byakuya sit down at his desk from the corner of his eye. Shuffling the papers in his hand, Renji tried to imply that he wasn't paying attention to Byakuya at all; but work and only work.
Byakuya picked up the phone and began to dial a number.
/Pleeasee don't let him make a prank call.../ Renji thought pleadingly. It was funny when he himself did it. But it seemed awkward for someone as serious as his captain to do it.
Byakuya shifted in his chair, a sign that he had found someone on the other line, wherever and whoever he was calling.
"Hello." Byakuya said casually.
/Phew, okay, maybe not/ he thought. But, Renji had the need to slap himself on the head after he heard Byakuya utter the next sentence......
Okay! Yours does NOT have to be that long ^^;; ehe. That was something to get you going. But if you like to rant, sure, go ahead and write as much as I did.
I have to make this post really short because I have to get ready for school tomorrow T__T
Uhmm... okay!
1. What are your top 5 favourite bleach moments and why? I love hollow ichigo moments and IchiRuki moments ^^
2. Who are your least favourite characters and why? I have so say that one of them must be Mayuri *shudders* He's just so creepy!
3. What's your favourite opening? I LOVE the second one =D
4. Have you guys seen the shinigami illustrated picture book (golden) things at the end of the later eppies? I think the one for ep.165 is hillarious!
Hmm.. I should post videos on here too sometime b^^d
5. Who is your favourite Gotei 13 captain?
6. Who's your favourite human character?
Okay, that's all I can come up with for now.
[School break is over for me now, and I am going back to school tomorrow. I am not sure if I can post really often. But you guest posters can, right? =D]