Hello everyone! It's me Wensdayskitten. For anyone new hello and welcome to my world! This site will be dedicated to my art and other things that are going on in the art community. Again welcome ! I hope you enjoy your visit!
- Created By Wensdayskitten
Your tongues can't repel flavor of that magnitude!
I'm alive! Huzzah!
It has been a very very very long time since I have posted. Sorry to everyone for making you guys think I died and went to Otaku heaven.
So some things that have happened since I last posted.
-I moved in with my three buddies into a nice apartment where we have survived almost three months of rent, various bills and pets.
-Dispite my intentions on being a lazy artist and "working" (heh, Charmander and I are very lazy artist, working when we are motivated by money or exposure). I have taken a job at Target. Long hours and pay, yay!
-We have a new pet, a cute little kitten named The Sundance Kid! Total of animals living at our apartment: 3. A black cat, a cute kitten, and a former racing dog Apollo the Greyhound.
So that's the news from the home front. I don't really have a computer to access but I do from time to time go back to my house and use it there. Which would explain why I have not been around for a long time.
So how has everything been? What are these ads I see around theO about theOtaku.com Premium?
All questions will be answered in the next exciting post (which was not very exciting at all) of Bleu the Supergirl! Just joshin' guys! Have a good one!
Life is good and there for, cupcakes on the house!
Hello everyone. How art thou? Good I hope !
So since the last time I had posted somethings have happened in my life and also here. From what Sesslover's site says Adam has finally getting our suggestions or request for what we want to happen on MyO. Which is very good because I still have a website there and some of my friends still post there.
Some other things happening here or rather on MyO is that some of my good friends have left all together. That saddens me because they were awesome people. At least though I can still see how they are doing. Miss them though ...
In my life, school is ending. Huzzah~! I am also because I am moving out of my house to live with three of my friends. We are moving into this totally awesome apartment that has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a sunroom, and two big walk-in closets. Also I have a job interview on Thursday. This should help me out a lot with the things coming up.
Bleh my scanner still isn't working correctly and I need it to upload my art! Oh yes speaking of art, I went to S.C.A.D about two weeks ago. If you don't know what that stands for I will tell you lol.
That stands for the Savannah College of Art and Design. It is an art institute that gives you a degree in a specialized field in art, theater, or architecture. It is a very nice place and I have plans on going there after I graduate from the university. If I get in I will go for a degree in sequtial art (ex: comics and webcomics) or illistration. I'm very excited !
So that is all for today folks. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Hello Everyone
It has been a very long time sice I have been on Myotaku and it seems like Vision Vibrant is in full swing and off to a very interesting start . I have a site still on MyO which I will regularly update once I find the time to do so. Blah to school
. I have gotten busier and busier but I'm still glad that I am able to come here and look at peoples sites.
In other news nothing much going on. Today is Charles' birthday which my friends and I are going to celebrate by cooking him a nice dinner . By us cooking I mean just me lol. Hopefully it will turn out well because I have never cooked Curried Cocnut Chicken before. It will taste yummy though I'm sure.
I will be posting news from the art world almost regulary. Also as soon as my scanner is fixed we will get underway with the new pictures ! I hope you all have a great day!