I'm alive! Huzzah!
It has been a very very very long time since I have posted. Sorry to everyone for making you guys think I died and went to Otaku heaven.
So some things that have happened since I last posted.
-I moved in with my three buddies into a nice apartment where we have survived almost three months of rent, various bills and pets.
-Dispite my intentions on being a lazy artist and "working" (heh, Charmander and I are very lazy artist, working when we are motivated by money or exposure). I have taken a job at Target. Long hours and pay, yay!
-We have a new pet, a cute little kitten named The Sundance Kid! Total of animals living at our apartment: 3. A black cat, a cute kitten, and a former racing dog Apollo the Greyhound.
So that's the news from the home front. I don't really have a computer to access but I do from time to time go back to my house and use it there. Which would explain why I have not been around for a long time.
So how has everything been? What are these ads I see around theO about theOtaku.com Premium?
All questions will be answered in the next exciting post (which was not very exciting at all) of Bleu the Supergirl! Just joshin' guys! Have a good one!