i fail at life. seriously.

i killed laurens picture... i was coloring it in with watercolors [woohoo!!] at the end of the day. i needed to catch the bus so i cleaned up my stuff kinda quick... and blue got all over both of kuro's hands.... and other arts of the picture... i tried to fix it but it looks awful... and now her b'day presant is frikin' ruined...... and i feel awful because it was really good, the inking and everything came out really well and i spent so much time donig it... i'm going to finish it[i spent too much time to not] i dunno if lauren'll end up getting it tho... she saw it before and after i seriously f*ked it up... sorry for the misery filled post... i'm planning on putting some of my older crap up in Chicken Scratchingssome of my not so crappy oldre crap. some of it is alright considering my skill level at the time... i think i started off alright.
