An near complete over exaggeration of my daily life...
- Created By Lonley Fighter M
To you who I loath...
Make me reveal my true feelings for ya' huh!? dare you make me say that... you...
To you..I...I...l-l-love...
Mr. Fighter
To you BABY
Of all the people in the world I'd say I only trust own child from my loins but, y-you betrayed me. Seconds before going in to work you decided you wanted to see daddy for a few more minutes so you barfed all over my shirt and continued onto my pants...*sigh*
...betrayed by own daughter...
Hurt father,
Mr. Lonley!!
To you YOU,
Okay YOU I've recovered from my humiliation, but the scar is shall remain the Offender for all eternity and I shall have my revenge upon you!
To the continuing Offender,
Mr. Fighter
To You Who Screwed Me butt-hole! I suffered horribly today because of you!! I casually went outside to the beautiful world and greeted it softly, but instead...I was meet with laughter...why you ask? WHY!!?? YOU LET ME RUN OUT THE HOUSE WITH DRIED DROOL ALL OVER MY FACE!!! ARRGGH!!
To You the Offender,
Mr. Fighter
To whom I don't care
Well...I had a bit of a change of heart I guess. Now that I'm looking at you I guess your not as bad as I're far worse that what I thought LOSER...
Mr. Lonley