OH MY FREAKIN GOD!!! I have been spending at least 4 HOURS to get a My Otaku web page up. For some god forsaken reason, my posts won't show up for some reason and my intro won't show up. It's been taking me way too long to figure this out. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO PO'd RIGHT NOW I COULD JUST.....!!!!!! *rams head into a cow that just happened to appear out of no where* WHY WON'T YOU WORK!!!!! *punches computer screen and gets electrocuted* OMG!!! OWWWWWWW!!!!! *runs around screaming in agony*. WHY DO I KEEP HURTING MYSELF?!!!! *runs back home and sits back down at computer* *sighs* Oh well. If any one could help me with this little predicament, that would be great. My hand feels numb. *hand goes limp*....... great, now I can't move my hand.