Fo shizzle dawgs! HI HI HI!!! I'm back for this one time exclusive post. Yes, you have all been wondering where in god's name I was for the past few weeks. Well, here's the scoop. It's been getting clode to the end of my first year at FMU (Francis Marion University for those who don't know. Don't worry if you didn't know cause this is a university that's only know to the people who live here. Bunch of cavemen XD). Well, I've been getting slammed with UNGODLY amounts of work ever since Spring Break got off. At this point, I feel like putting a bullet through my head (not literally) cause my teachers are SO FREAKIN RETARDED!! They're all like "You have 5 gerbillion tests in the next five minutes and if you don't get a 100000000000000 then you FAIL! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" *flames shoot up from the background*. Then I'm all like "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!! I will defeat you with my evil banishing sword stoopid homework." Then, the work comes to life to look like a giant golem and I'm all like "WACHHHHAAAAA!!!!". I swing my sword and shoot flames out of it and burn the work. Then the teacher's all like "HAHA! You can't defeat..." Then before he could finish I chopped in have and made sushi rolls out of him. Then I was all like "You just got F'd in the A!!" MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!....... that's just the gist of it. So, I probably won't be on again until summer starts. That's when the fun begins (not really). Only problem is I have to take summer classes.. Oh well. Well, see you guys later! I think my dad is going to put me through a grinder if I don't get to work. So, Bye to you all and see you when summer starts for me. PE@CE!.... OMG! *trips and falls down escalator going up*
-Bye bye Space Cowboy!
(Yes from Cowboy Bebop)