Big News!

I'm pregnant.

Well, no, I'm not. LOL. That would be worrying if I was. Considering I haven't, y'know. So it'd be a bit impossible XD

But I do have big, good news. Two pieces, in fact.

My pregnant friend Rosie is no longer pregnant. She gave birth on Saturday to a little (ish) boy. He was 8lbs 9 ounces (ouch!), and she's named him Jake. I've yet to see him, but I've texted Ro-Ro, and she's OK and she says Jake's OK, too. So, that's good.

My other big news. I dunno if I ever told you guys about the super-hot foreign guy who comes into the shop I work in every Tuesday and Thursday? Well, he does. And I have a major crush on him.

Anyway, he came in last night... And asked me for my mobile number! I would've given it to him - if I could remember it LOL! I promised to give it to him (oo-er) on Tuesday, and then he left =( He was smiling, though.

5 minutes later, and he came back, and asked me if I was free today or Sunday!!! So, I have arranged to meet him today at 5.30 =D

I am totally going on a date with mr hot-guy. And he actually wants to go on a date with me? I might ask him if he's blind later.

I also actually don't know his name. In all the excitement, I forgot LOL. I'll find out later.

Sooooo, I am very excited, and nervous XD I also need a bath, find my tweezers, wash my work uniform for tomorrow morning, pluck eyebrows into oblivion so I am almost bald above the eyes, find my super-sexy black t-shirt... Which I can't remember the location of... And tart myself up =D Well, no, I won't. I'm not gonna put heaps of make-up on so I look like a barbie. I'll just put the usual eyeline on.

I am also very hungry =/


Good day to you, sirs.
