Oh Dear

My next-door-neighbour was stood just outside his back door staring through our kitchen window, and so me and Mum started dancing and singing "I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt". Loudly. Was very funny.

For anyone that doesn't know, or for anyone who actually gives a damn, or for anyone who actually uses MyO now (oooh, about 2 of you?), I changed my theme. No longer dancing Snapes. I'm not saying what it is.

Koon made me sad over on MyO. I discovered that I was one of THREE people on his friends list that actually botheres to update regularly over there now. In all honesty, I only have about 6 people who update regularly now. Some may well be busy, but for the majority, I think it's because everyone's over here now.

Looks like I'm gonna have to edit my friends list =( I can't have a list full of people who aren't around anymore. Yeah.

I still have 11 pms in my inbox. Some are probably from last month. Oh well.

Erm... Yeah.
