Something was said.

If you want me to love you, please ask.
I'm not sure if that was the biggest hint that anyone could give me, but it's quite surprising, I suppose. In a way, it could be like how all things begin as, an idea. It's amazing at how things can unravel. God must have a sense of humor, seriously. I bet He's up in Heaven chuckling at the situational irony that has occurred. Maybe it's a good thing I wear my bangs and glasses, because hopefully that would've made my face appear less red, hopefully. It was quite sudden, and it left me dumbfounded. It's as though I was working on an art piece when I suddenly got a blast of inspiration to do something more with it. Then, once all is said and done, I step back to examine the work in progress and find myself astounded by the random muse that came to me.
I guess I'm still in that stage. The part where I question myself in an effort to make any sense of anything. I guess it's like learning to play a song. There are some parts that are easy and can be played well just by sight-reading; however, on the other hand, there are other sections that require practice after practice.
As you tread along, you could encounter obstacles, such as: key changes, naturals, sharps, flats, awkward chords, the list goes on and on. Maybe I've reached the point where there's an alteration to the tempo and key signature. The problem with that now is whether to proceed onward with rubato, or to stop and count it out note by note. I've been known to do both, and in a way this mirrors passion vs. practicality once again.
This seems a special case though, in which, I find myself not at all minding to proceed onward with rubato.
Thank you for asking. :)
