You're such a weirdo.

Okay, could you be more of a jerk or what?
"Transition in friends" and all of your apologies for "caring too much and now not caring at all" and all of this blahblahblah crap. You know, if you were really okay with all of that, then how come you still text a ton of people and get angry at the people who haven't been spending time with you?
I honestly never thought that I'd be writing another post about you, and yet here I am again. Oh well, after this, there most likely will be no more...since you're so eager to look into the future that you're willing to throw away your past AND your present.
It's really weird. You're the come-back-kid who stuck around me ever since the ninth grade, and whenever I finally thought I got rid of you, you always found a way to crawl back in. Looking back at it now, it's hard to believe that I'm actually able to reflect on those things and feel nothing. It's wonderful, feeling nothing. Being there for you was just an agonizing reward. Getting so close, becoming infatuated so much that I'm willing to put your happiness at the price of mine? Yeah, talk about cutting me open. The funniest thing is that you text me the other day. I was used to the times you would talk to me late at night because you had something on your naturally I replied, thinking that something was wrong. However, the conversation was so dry, and the book that I was reading was much more enjoyable, so I quit. Sorry I did, but my urge to study you has ceased. As the song goes, "I ain't in the business of saving lives anymore."
I have to admit though, it was fun having someone to talk to late at night, sharing conversations with, someone who was able to get under my skin a few times. Our in-depth talks about the universe and all of the different was fun, really. From time to time even, if I get to sit by myself with nothing to do but get 'lost in the labyrinths of my memories' and I come across you, I'm sure I would think of that. However, a lot has happened this school year, and I'm glad that it did. All that pain, it just made me stronger. Sure, I may have a soft spot for you still, but it gets smaller and smaller as time passes by. Don't worry, we're still friends though. It's true that hearts can heal. Now if I can only figure out what will become of my current situation...ha! ;P
