No. Seriously. What's the difference between a draft and a submission on Otaku fan art? I'm new to this whole thing and so I don't really know what I'm doing! (HELP ME PLEASE!!!) >.<
On the upside, I now know how to upload my stuff. I don't know what it is, but I've had an account for so long now and I'm just now starting to experiment with all of the other things theOtaku has to offer!
Meaning to say, that I have a draft! And I thought that a draft was for only your view, and published is for public view, so I clicked on draft but then it still be viewed? So what does that make publishing do? And then, when I went to see if I could upgrade to having it published, I had no idea how to do that. I really don't know what I'm doing. Experimentation time! I've got to get my Stein face on! (Yes, Soul Eater reference :), allow me to dissect you...mwahahaha)
But seriously, if someone knows how to do this or any suggestions or some sort of commentary or advice (whatever you know, I'm sure it's more than me) on how to go about with this feel free to leave a comment, or PM, or brain wave, or whatever is in your capabilities. :)
Oh, and check out my fan art too!!
Thank you!!! :D :D :D