- Created By KitKatKitty
hahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahaha hahahah hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha hahah ahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha haha ha haha hahahahaha ha haha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahah aha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahah ahahaha hahahahaha hah ahah ahahahaha hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha hahah ahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha hahahahah ahaha hahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahah ahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
sometimes it helps to laugh.
Comments Aren't Working
Right now the comment's aren't working for me...So, when I don't leave comments or replies it's not because I didn't bother to read it, or I don't think it's worth commenting.
I promise I'll leave replies and comment asap!
Thanks for understanding,
Bloody Skype!
So, I donated a pint of blood yesterday. Now, the day after my dad decided to tell me I need to eat meat. Why? Because you absorb iron better when you eat meat. I am majorly pissed that my dad didn't tell me this before hand! Now they made me eat at at a stake joint!
Anyways, other then that the blood giving process was interesting. It felt really weird watching the blood flowing out of me. I'd never seen that much of my own blood before. I mean, it wasn't scary...just weird. I suggest doing it though, because it's such a great feeling afterwards!
It feels like getting a shot, but the needle stays in. It doesn't actually hurt while it's in there at all. You can feel it though. It just feels weird.
OH, and I wanted to post about Skype!
I just made a skype account! (yay!) I made it so I could talk to a guy I know named Andres. He's really sweet, funny, and polite. On top of all that, he's cute! Yeah, I know, awesome right! He also gives amazing hugs. I'm talking the kind of never-let-me-go ones!
The problem? He lives in Argentina. And he can't speak english. And I can't speak Spanish. Or as they call it, Espanol. With a squiggly thing over the n.
I figure we'll have to have a translator on one window, and Skype on the other, haha! I don't mind though. I don't he does either because he said "thinking about your sweet voice. I'm happy already! :)"
Needless to say, I practically swooned! ^///^
^^I wrote this earlier, but as we were driving I had no internet to post it. ^^
My Immortal
It's scary, man. Scary.
"What's scary, Inu? Tell us!"
I-I can't, it's to horrible.
"Gawd, Inu, we hate when you talk to yourself like this. JUST TELL US!"
Fine. But you'll regret it. It's called My Immortal. It's a fanfiction. About? Harry Potter. Oh, and vampires. Now, get this. My Immortal makes Twilight look like freakin Dracula.
Don't believe me? Read it for your self. I only got to chapter 3 before feeling sick.
Last chance to chicken out. Click me for the homepage
What has been seen can not be unseen.
I warned you.
OC Madness
An OC list
A list of all of my OCs.
Percy Jackson OCs
1 Zenia Haste
2 Blake Forest
3 Samantha Wilson
1. Zenia Smith
2. Nayala Evergreen
RP with Anna
1. Tyler ???
2. Mike ???
3. Starry ???
4. Sunny ???
5. Anna Belle Lee
6. Jadyn Elizabeth Storm
7. Don Campbell
8. Mikk Genova
9. Tyler Smith
10. Drew Smith
11. Dick Boner
12. Alex ???
11. Yume Takahashi
13. Jesus Rodriguez
14. Rosemary Thyme ???
15. Izzy Sage ???
16. Kataleen Iris ???
17. Clay Kirkland
18. Elliot ???
19. Rust ???
20. Ethan ???
21. Lacy ???
22. Aaron ???
23. Candie ???
24. Adrien Pierre Lacroix
25. Zeke ???
26. Jay ???
27. Mark ???
The World RP
1. Charlie Rose
2. Ayla Haste
3. Aaron Page
4. Jake Den
The New Beginning
1. Ami Sohma
2. Satomi Fukui
3. Mai Sohma
The Feudal Era
1. Mizuki
2. Itsuki
3. Reiko
Flying with the Flock
1. Katalina
2. Lobolita
3. Jay
1. Kalin
2. Matt
3. Tori
4. Ryanne
5. Sari
6. Pip
7. Mitzi
8. Sara
9. Elia
10. Natalie
11. Chii
12. Unnamed-Blind-girl
Whew, that's 57 total. And those are ones I still think/write about. I have many more who are totally retired.