
Hello all!

Today I'm volunteering at the library! YAY!! I volunteering. It's so much fun working with everyone.

My forth of July went swell. My loved one came home for good! The speech's were really short this time. They were only 20minutes long. And that includes the Anthem, Army Song, and I-Corps song.

Half of the gym was closed off, and they played American Soldier, as they slowly raised the curtain separating the gym. The effect was awesome!

I almost cried at one point, but not from joy. I never cry from joy. I almost cried when they announced five of them didn't come home. Five. Shocking? Not really.

Then came the work. My loved one is at the rank where he/she has to make sure his/her soldiers are settling in, and can get inside the barracks. The Army recently turned ownership of the barracks over to cavillions(I don't think that's spelled right, but spell check doesn't recognize it...). Most of the troops couldn't get in their rooms. It took almost three hours to get it straitened out.

after that we ate and went over to the fest to watch fireworks. We sat with some friends, and my friend Asia and I were really hyper!!


I'll post a video soon. This comp blocks youtube....
