Hello my friends. Today I have several things I'd like to talk about.
1. I'm sick. Fun fun. Yeah, I know, not a great subject, but hey, it's an update in the life of Kitty!
2. Harper, from Andromeda = love. I swear, I live for guys like him! *swoons* Not only is the actor really cute, but Harper's awesome! I love when he says stuff like
"Seamus Zelazny Harper, Super-Genius, at your service!"
And hows about how he calls Trance his Sparkly Purple Babe!
And his gizmos are so cool! And how about how protective he is of Trance in "Hate and Loathing in the Milky Way!" Or in "Harper 2.0" how totally cute he is! I love how jumpy/twitchy he is after SPOILER ALERT: the data was downloaded into his brain!
Yeah.....I could go on about how amazing Harper is for hours. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
I'm in love guys. With a fictional character from a show that started airing 11 years ago...And ended 6 years ago.
3. Ever since I changed my world name from "The Thoughts Inside My Head" I've been trying to find a good fit. First I tried Nobody World, but my brothers informed me that it reminded them of Kingdom Hearts (Which I've never even played). So now it's "Sound of Silence." One of my favorite songs for sure...But it's a little meloncholy... So what about
"Beautiful Things"
It comes from a quote by Trance Gemini from Andromeda. The full quote is
"Beatiful things can make sad people happy, and bad people good. If you think about it, beautiful things can change the universe."
My FAVORITE quote in the series thus far. I luvs it. Trance is a great person.
What do you think?
4. Angelina Jolie was spotted at the Barnes and Noble THE DAY AFTER MY BROTHER AND I HUNG OUT THERE ALL DAY! Oh, how I hate it. Not only is she a great actress, but she's really hot pretty too!
Wishing you all a peaceful day,
Below, HARPER! In all his wonder! *sighs dreamily*