I'm back

Did you miss me? I missed you all. I promise to try and get on more.

Anyway........I suppose you should get an update. Well, I'm not in a good mood.

My cousin (the one who was in the wreck) is back on heroin. And getting evicted. And his fiance threatened to leave. And he's suicidal. And it's worrying everybody.

My best friend (the anorexic) lied to us, and started taking laxatives again. And she's gotten really into our story. That means she's depressed. But there's a new rule; We're only allowed to talk on weekends.

And my Mom, brothers, and I are on a trip. We visited said best friend for one week, then my family in Baltimore for a week, now my family in Atlanta. We've been here 3 days so far, and are staying for at least two weeks.

I'm homesick. I miss my pets, and my dad. I don't want to go back to Missouri though. I want to go home. To Washington. I miss my friends, I miss my home, I miss the area.

On another note, Osama Bin Laden, as you all know, is dead. I'm appalled that people are celebrating.

We shouldn't have killed him because:
>>We could have tried to get information about Al-Qaeda.
>>The terrorists are just going to retaliate, and attack us. Again.
>>Gas prices are going to go way high as a form of petty revenge.
>>He was human. No matter what he did, we had no right killing him.

But mostly I'm worried about a future attack. You know Al-Qaeda is just going to strike us again. Plus, Bin Laden was mostly a figure head these days. We have to worry about his 2nd in command.

Enough of me though!
How are you guys? I really want to hear!

UPDATE: I just thought of something. It seems really stupid to kill someone as valuable and Bin Laden. Maybe - just maybe - he isn't dead? What if that photo is fake? I know conspiracies exist (I stumbled upon one myself) and I know the military has things that are kept from civilians, in fact, I know of direct lies told to civilians.
