Hmmm......I was talking to someone,
and I started thinking about the people I trust with my deep, dark, secrets. I'd have to say Kyon (my cuzz).
I think I start to be able to tell someone when something is up after they sense it and ask me about it. I hadn't seen (or spoken to) Jeffrey (his real name, Kyon is a nick) in 7 years.
Then when I spent a week and a half with him it was so wonderful! He could sense that something was stressing me out and asked me about it.
I was stressed about Andrew
(this was before we were dating)
and the fact I was starting to think I am bi.
I told him and he just listened!
He didn't try to me any lines about what I should do,
or how it's wrong to stress about that stuff!
He just listened.
Since then, I have been trying to as he. When I listen to people I don't give them advice unless they ask for it, and NEVER belittle their worries! ^_^
But one thing I do differently from Kyon, is when Andrew comes to me upset, I tell him I will pray for him and that God and Jesus love him...No matter what!
See, Andrew is Atheist...but he is longing for something that will help. Something that will stay the same, and never break. He needs unconditional love! He needs God....So I tell him the message of Christ... matter how much I'm doubting...
sorry, my music reflets my mood....