Well...that's normal for them, y'know...

Ash and Mei were having one of their 'Evil sleep-over/parties' over the weekend, so I decided to stop by and visit for a bit.

And what should I see when I get there?
Oh, just Mei chasing Ash across the yard yelling 'I-ZA-YAAAAA' and Ash calling her 'Shizu-chan~' and saying that he/she's always so angry...nothing out of the ordinary.
Then Ash called me 'Dotachin' and asked where my hat went *palm-face/laugh*

But like the title of this post says, that is (somewhat)normal for them, hah...and this was BEFORE they had their caffine. I left before they had caffine so I can only imagine what madness happened then.
Now they're plotting something...not sure what but, I'm wary and taking cover ahead of time lolz XD;

