So i'm in school.(:
my freshiee yearr. aren't you excited? no. I'm not.
Yeah, they gave us macbooks to use but we cant go on facebook. i was so happy when i found out theO wasn't blocked. I would've missed you gaiz ;A;
so yupp.
i hope somebody reads this because, let's face this, we all no i have 34 subs. I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH. but i NEEED MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. GIGMGIHIOHGFDLHGLDFIGH O *rants*
and yes, i haven't uploaded a pic in like what i long time. i have tons i've wanted to put on here. but im just to gosh darn lazy. :/ im sorry gaiz. *hug*?
So this morning i was sooooo hungry. and ya know. i'm 85 lbs of pure nothing. i'm not strong, nor sexy, nor smart. the only good thing about me is i weigh les than everybody else & i'm artistically talented. (: i think that's awesome. in my book it is. :D so all i had was a hunny bun and some other sugary goodness.
so i ate everything i had, then found out i had to run a mile RIGHT AFTERWARDS.
now i feel like ima puke it all up. so yeah. im in art 1 right now. she's crazyyy k bye(: