BBC Books Reprints Classic Novelizations & Red Nose Day

In the days before VHS or DVD releases, and at a time when TV repeats were a rare thing, if a Doctor Who fan wanted to relive a favorite story, the best way was to pick up its novelization. From the 60s to the 90s, Target Books published novelized versions of the classic TV stories. These became especially important, in the cases of the First and Second Doctors, when the BBC shortsightedly destroyed many episodes to make room for newer material in their archives.

For some time now, the Target books have been out of print (though you can still find existing copies of some of them for sale), but BBC Books have announced plans to reprint six of them in their original format, featuring the original cover art by Chris Achilleos and slightly different titles to their TV counterparts: Doctor Who and the Daleks, Doctor Who and the Crusaders, Doctor Who and the Cybermen (aka The Moonbase), Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen, Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters (aka The Silurians), and Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion (aka Spearhead from Space).

In other news, two special mini-episodes titled "Space" and "Time", written by Steven Moffat, will premier tomorrow as part of BBC's Red Nose Day comedy charity event.
