Here I will rant, tell amusing anecdotes, and anything else I want to.

Animes/mangas I like, just in case anybody cares :D
Air, Avatar; The Last Airbender, Bamboo Blade, Clannad, Code Geass, Death Note, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Higurashi No Naku Koro (Kai), I Wish..., Inubaka, Kanon, Lucky Star, Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, School Rumble, The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa Reservior Chronicles, Vampire Knight
I haven't quite finished all of them. But, alas, whatever xD
Bolded represents my all time favorites. :)

Info on ten sketches!

I'm just letting you guys know that I am working on your sketches, I've just been really busy lately. I'll try to finish them up this weekend, because there's no guarantee what next week will look like.

However, if I don't have them uploaded in the near future, I did not forget about you or your requests! I promise you'll get them. :)

Thank you for bearing with me!


10 Free Sketches (OPEN)

Since everyone else seems to be doing this, I figured, "Why not?" My main goal is to get all ten slots filled xD

If you would like me to sketch something for you, just comment let me know what you'd like. If it's an OC, please also post a link. Thank you, and I'll try my best!

1) harvestmoonluvr~ Toniku rubbing Egar's belly
2) infinatelove42~ OC Butterfly
3) Keyblademewkasa~ Amara with her hair on FIRE!
4) ponyochan~ Yuki and Goku
5) Narie920~ KH Heartless
6) angluvdeath~ Fai
7) Shinigamihoshi16~ Link and Zelda
8) MewChero~ Itachi Uchiha in a kitty costume
9) yumei hearts u~ Zero and Yuki genderbent

Dear Secret Santa,

First of all, let it be known that I love you, whoever you are. I love you alot.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business. As my behavior has been exquisite this year--except for that minor mishap in that alleyway, for which I am not to blame; I was provoked--, and because I have been told that when one is good, they get to ask people for free stuff for Christmas, I have decided to do just that; ask you, my dear, dear Secret Santa, for free stuff.

Really, beneath the swastika tattoos and assault and battery chargers, I'm a big 'ol softie. I absolutely love Disney movies, especially Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King, and if you could possibly draw me a picture of anything pertaining to either of these delightful films, I would be ecstatic. Anime/manga-wise, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ouran High School Host Club and School Rumble.

Also, when I was doing hard time, I came up with the concept of Tommy and Ash, the two of whom can also be found here. Please forgive the bad art; it was towards the beginning of my sentence, and I hadn't fully developed my artistic abilities at that point. I'm much better now, though, after three years of extensive practice in between meals, showers, and exercise time.

If you don't feel like drawing any of that nonsense, I also love fluffy kittens and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If not that, I'm sure whatever you draw for me will be simply divine. Besides, even if I don't like it, there's not much I can do about it, as it's hard to gleam information about people on this site, and without information, I cannot reap my punishment upon those who have earned my ire.

Just to make it easier for you, I will compile a quick and easy list of all the aforementioned, so that if you don't feel like reading everything I've written, you won't have to. Here you go:
-Beauty and the Beast
-The Lion King
-Ouran High School Host Club
-School Rumble
-Tommy and Ash
-Fluffy kittens
-Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Much Thanks,
~Maddie (I'm not actually a felon, or exceedingly creepy, I swear!)~

Edit: Thank you, SS!!!

External Image


DUDE MY WORLD HAS 1,111 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least it did, before you viewed this post.

Otaku Quiz, Yo.

"Borrowed" from harvestmoonluvr and keyblademewkasa.

Otaku Quiz
1) Answer these questions
2) Tag 5 other people when you’re done
3) Post in your journal/world

1. How long have you been an anime fan?

Hm....Probably since about 2007/2008.

2. What was your first anime?

I watched Sailor Moon when I was young, but I didn't know it was anime. But then my family moved and I forgot about it. The thing that actually got me into anime/manga was Avatar the last Airbender, which is technically a cartoon. So, I fail.

3. What was your first manga?

DEATH NOTE! I remember, 'cause Denny gave me a card for my birthday, telling me she'd buy me a manga book. So I went shopping with her and chose Death Note, because I had heard of it before.

4. What is your favourite anime? Why?

Either School Rumble or Ouran High School Host Club. They are both just so
amazing! I luuuuurve them!

5. What is your favourite manga? Why?

Hm...I really liked Death Note, and Kitchen Princess, and Fruits Basket, and OHSHC, and School Rumble, and Inubaka (it's such a cute series, but it has too much fan service for my tastes), and finally, Heaven! is hilarious, but, unfortunately, is perverted. I cannot choose amongst them.

6. What is your favourite manga genre? Why?

Romantic comedy, 'cause I'm a girl.

7. How much have your manga tastes changed since you first started watching anime?

They haven't, really.

8. What anime/manga have you been obsessed with over the years? Do you still like it?

Avatar the last Airbender (still a cartoon), and I LOVE IT STILL! I go back and watch old episodes from time to time, and I can't wait for the new series! Real anime-wise, Ouran High School Host Club and School Rumble are my loves.

9. Do you prefer more mainstream manga or less popular manga?

I read both, but mainly the less popular stuff. I have found some truly golden mangas that really just don't get the rep they deserve.

10. What is your favourite anime/manga character?

TAMAKI!!!!!! OR KARASUMA!!!!! OR HANAI!!!! !~L~! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 KYO!!!!! Oh, and Zuko, but I don't think he counts. And Tohru, Haruhi, and Tenma are all very good heroines, which is actually fairly uncommon in manga/anime.

11. Do you have a anime/manga crush? If so, who?

Check out the above, yo. Minus the girls.

12. Do you have a favourite anime/manga pairing? If not, make something up (you might suddenly fall in love with it!)

Sora and Kairi, Tenma and Karasma, Hanai and Mikoto, Tamaki and Haruhi, and I think that's about it. Oh, I'm also a Zutarian, but once again, that's a cartoon.

13. Do you like reading/writing fanfics?

If I can find the right fanfic, I love reading them. I don't write any myself, though.

14. Do you like drawing/looking at fanart? If so, for what manga, or does it not matter?

I love drawing, though I'm not especially good at it. I do have sketchbook after sketchbook filled with doodles of my favorite characters that I allow absolutely nobody to see. Looking at fanart is pretty much a hobby of mine. I just appreciate how well they draw, and the art is usually so beautiful!

15. What is your favourite song in an anime (it can be background music or OP/ED songs)?


16. What is your least favourite anime/manga? Why?

Peach Girl, because I watched all twenty episodes and hated each one, but kept watching. That girl is just so....ugh. At least the couple I wanted to happen happened.

17. What is your favourite video game? Why?

Rune Factory and Kingdom Hearts (the first one only). They're fun. :D

18. What is your favourite kind of videogame? Why?

RPG, because I'm not quite so horrible at those. That and they're fun. :D

19. What is your favourite anime movie?

I've only ever seen two, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, and I don't know which I like more/less. They were both....odd, but in a nice way.

20. Was this quiz fun? :D

Summer work was properly put off, so yes.

I refuse to tag anybody. If anybody reads this, that person may do with this as they wish.