So, guys, guess where I went for vacation this summer! If you can't guess by the title, I suppose you're beyond hope. :)
Because I'm under-aged and took this trip with my parents and older brother, I thought I would have a really lame time. Fortunately, I was WRONG! Vegas was amazing, and I am determined to go back there, and drag some friends along, when I'm 21. Yes, Kasa and Denny, I'm looking at you.
Las Vegas is three hours behind my home time, so when my family and I arrived there, we were tired. We had been awake since 4:30 am EST, and arrived in the desert around 11:30am PST. We had already been awake for fourteen hours, and we were determined to make it to at least 9:30 pm before passing out. Needless to say, the first day was a long one. The highlight was seeing the Grand Canyon from the plane.
After that first day, they all kind of run together. Not because I was drunk, granted, but because I have a very bad perception of time. I do, however, remember the things we did, if not the days we did them.
One night we went to the Legends concert at the Harrah's casino/hotel/whatever (in Vegas, every hotel is also a casino). This is a concert where people dress up like famous people and sing for us. I was privileged to see Elvis and Bobby Darin impersonators, as well as Stevie Wonder, Steven Tyler, and Britney Spears. I have to admit, Elvis was my favorite. He was CUTE, yo. Also, my family sat in the second row from the front. Unfortunately, my brother got aisle seat, and I was right next to him, which meant that when Elvis Impersonator walked down the aisle singing to people, I wasn't one of them. And I really wanted that kiss on my cheek, too. :( (On the other hand, my brother was very happy to be spared any and all attention by the singers)
We went to a wax museum, which would have been a lot more fun if it hadn't been my mother taking the pictures. You can only do so much when Mama's watchin'. Nevertheless, it was still fun, though this will definitely be a point of interest when I return in my adulthood.
One of the most interesting things we did was ride a gondola at the Venetian Hotel. It was overpriced, and wouldn't have been worth it if I had to cover my tab, but I didn't, so I enjoyed it thoroughly. We ended up with an awesome gondolier, whose name I unfortunately can't remember. Liv-something. He was actually from Italy, and he sang wonderfully (in Italian). It was really embarrassing, but his voice was great, so it's all good. (He was my second mini-crush of this vacation, the first being Elvis)
I made a wax hand and bought a lemonade in a cool flashy cup, but unfortunately lost both on the flight back home (had to switch flights twice, yo).
FYI, Vegas food is amazing. <3
Aaaand, that's about all I can think of at the moment. Thank you for reading, and PEACE OUT, BRO!
I have been veeeeery good this year! I have kept snide comments and gossiping about unworthy band directors to a minimum! Since I have been so very good, I was wondering if you could please send me one of the following:
1) A drawing of ANYTHING Phineas and Ferb related, although Perry and Ferb are my absolute favorites. Oh, and Doofenshmirtz. And Ferb. And Isabella, and Baljeet, and so on and so forth. I love all Phineas and Ferb peeps.
2) A B-E-A-oooootiful Code Geass picture. Lelouch, Suzaku, and Arthur are my favorites!
3) Tommy (the cross-dressing redhead), Ash, or BOTH OF THEM!!! -sigh- They really do have a great story. <3
And...Um...Just so you have more options...4) Cats. I love 'em.
Thank you, Santa!
~An extremely good Maddy~
I'm filling this out in dead silence....IT'S WEIRD! No noise is...odd.
Are you wearing a hat?
No, but I was wearing a blue fuzzy one all day.
Bottled water: yes or no?
Yes, but only when non-bottled water is not available.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?
Not really, no. EXCEPT MAYBE JACK O LANTERN! I don't think that quite counts, though.
What kind of laptop do you have?
Do you prefer writing with pen or pencil?
Either or. It really depends on what I am writing.
Who was the last text message in your phone?
I don't have a phone.
Whats your favorite season?
Autumn or spring. The cool/warm/comfy seasons.
Does your best friend have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Some of them do.
Do you like them?
I suppose, yes!
Favorite radio station?
Nooo idea. I leave the radio stations up to my brother.
Type your name into Google, whats the first thing that comes up?
..A show website? I don't know. But wikipedia is second.
Whats your favorite song at the moment?
Oh, dear. There are too many songs I love that I cannot choose!
Coke or Pepsi?
BLECH to both.
Favorite subject in school?
English or Algebra. DOES LUNCH COUNT?
Last concert?
Do marching band competitions count as concerts? If so, earlier today.
Next concert?
Last magazine you bought?
I don't buy magazines. I just read whatever my parents get.
Last book you read?
The Truth Teller's Tale. IT'S AMAZING!
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Cats. They are fluffy and purry. But doggies are nice, too!
Is there someone you want to punch right now?
Nope. I'm not a violent person. I'm more likely to be mad at myself than somebody else.
Favorite sports team?
State you most want to visit?
Are you a facebook addict?
When do you shower?
Every night.
Whats your dream job?
What kind of car do you drive?
My mommeh's Honda.
What word in the dictionary best describes you?
Annoying (most likely).
Lights on or off?
Depends on whether or not I'm sleeping.
Are you a better listener or talker?
Depends on who I'm talking/listening to.
Do you care about who wins the election?
Yes, but that doesn't mean I'll keep up with it.
Who was the most popular kid in 7th grade?
Dust-bunni. :D
Are you afraid of ghosts?
Nope. I vanquish them for a living.
Is there something lacking in your life right now?
Sleep. Other than that, no. -is a privileged child-
What do you miss most about childhood?
My friends. Everything being simple, from the math to your relationships with your peers, and mainly not feeling bad when nobody wants to talk to you. WHICH ANNOYS ME BECAUSE I LIKE TO TALK. DON'T I, KASA? I would like to thank you fro being my chum on the bus today! :D
How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
I failed it twice. GOT IT ON THE THIRD TRY, THOUGH! I did NOT strike out. Aaand I'm actually a pretty good driver.
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you do drugs?
Are you a good liar?
Not really, no. There's not any point to it.
Can you cook?
Are you a cheapskate?
What would you do with a million dollars?
Keep it, invest it, and save it. THEN SPEND LIKE A MOFO!
Have you ever been to Disneyworld?
Yes. A chipmunk hugged me.
How much time do you spend online?
Too much.
Last time you went bowling?
I don't even remember it's been so long.
Hot or cold weather?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot, seeing as I still have shoes from when I was seven.
Are you a shop-a-holic?
No. I dislike shopping as a general rule.
Where were you yesterday at 10:30?
am or pm? School or sleeping.
Are you afraid of the dentist?
Nope. I do think it's a gross job, though.
Do you make wishes at 11:11?
Do you trust people?
SURE! Why not?
Who was the last person in your bedroom?
Be honest, do you generally like people
SURE! Why not? xD
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Smile over a lie.
Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
Probably some stupid play argument with bandies.
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
No. I'm a wimp. I'll blubber over any sad book or movie.
What was your last text message about?
I don't remember. I have to steal people's phones to text, so I never say anything important.
Whats your first thought when your alarm goes off?
noooooooooooooo i want to sleeeeeeeep. sob.
Did you like this survey?
Yeah, it entertained meh. :D
SO. MARCHING BAND. We got second to last place overall. BUT IT ISN'T LAST! Therefore, I am happy. Our band doesn't (completely) suck. Then again, we have no idea exactly how bad the last place band was. I had a lot of fun at the competition! After we marched we got to watch the rest of them. There were so many awesome-amazing bands! Oh, and at least a fourth of our tiny little band messed with my hair. My hair looked dreads-ful afterwards. :D OH AND I HAD A CONE HEAD. Even Evil Bullfrog Demon laughed. I'd post a picture but I'm ugly and don't want stalkers. Dx
I got a good grade in my math class. *HAPPINESS IS OVERWHELMING ME* It's so good to feel smart every once and a while. It may make me conceited, but it won't last long, so don't worry! AND I HAVE A FIREWORKS PAPER! Wooo!
So I feel pretty lame putting so many 'I's into writing, 'cause I haven't been allowed to do that in so long that it just don't seem right (lol bad grammar ftw!).
It's that time of year again. The time of year when the creek water gets really frickin' cold. I was playing in it yesterday 'cause I assumed there were no scary things in it anymore. Then I saw a crawdaddy and ran away. THOSE THINGS ARE SCARY LOOKING! I'm secretly terrified of them. Oh, and if I ever saw a lobster that wasn't dead or stuck inside a cage, I would probably flip. I would never be sane again. Yeah. Just sayin'.
Today was Pajama day at school. Tomorrow is superhero day. Then it's fifties day, tacky day, and pride day. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I DISCOVERED A CUTE BOY TODAY. As well as everything else above.
I kinda suck at narrating my life, don't I?