1. Perfect?: Pfft no.
2. Tall?: Naw. But I'm not short. Certainly not that!
3. In your pajamas?: Nope.
4. Left handed?: No.
1. Friend you saw: Dustin
2. Talked to on the phone: A friend of my mother's.
3. Person to text you: Dustin
4. Was today better than yesterday?: Yes, we did less work and I got to talk to more of my friends :)
1. Number: I have no idea...Uh...Seventeen?
2. Color(s): Blue!
3. Fruit: Strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, and blackberries :3
4. Place: 7-ELEVEN! :DD
1. Are you missing someone right now? Naw. Well, maybe kinda-sorta.
2. Are you happy? Sure thang, dearie.
3. Are you sad? Can't be that if I'm happy, sweet pea.
4. Are you bored? Most definitely. That is why I am leaving pet names all over the place, honey.
6. Are you nervous? ;D
8. Are you tired? Nope, but I'm making bread! (How that relates to the question, I have no idea, sweetie :D)
1. Eating?: No, no. I'm waiting for my bread to finish rising, darling.
2. Drinking?: Oh, certainly not! Not until I'm 21!
3. I'm about to: Look up more pet names 'cause I'm running out, sweetie pumpkin.
4. Listening to? There Is, by Box Car Racer. The singer sounds like Tom. I wonder if he is...
5. Plans for today?: Pack a lunch for tomorrow's field trip and then sweet nothingness.
1. Drank bubbles?: Most likely. I mean, sodas are at least 30% bubbles, lol
2. Lost glasses/contacts:? I don't have any glasses, babe.
3. Ran away from home?: No, teddy-bear, but I thought about it when I was the tender age of five xDD
4. Broken someone's heart: Nobody loves me enough to have their hearts broken by me, except my parents and best friends, and I LUUUURVE THEM! So no, I suppose not, deah.
5. Been arrested? Hehe -shifty eyes- NO!
1. Miracles? Yes
2. Yourself? I suppose that would depend, sweetness.
3. Heaven? DEFINITELY! Heaven is gonna be AWESOME!
4. Santa Claus? Nope, but I believe in Jesus. He's waaaay better.
4. Love? Yes.
5. Do you like someone? I do. And I have an inkling he likes me back, lol xD
6. Do you believe in God? YYes!
7. Answered the truth on all questions?: Why would I lie, honey bunches? I have not!
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Make my way to the bathroom. The stupid door won't latch anymore without effort on my part.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Naw, I'm pretty content you dork. (I've decided to switch tactics)
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Uh--Either Date Night or The Blind Side. Both were AMAZING! Different amazings, though. One was hilarious and the other heartwarming.
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: I went to school, you idiot!
Q: Do you smile a lot?
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No, 'cause that's silly!
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Most definitely. Do you doubt it, you jerk?
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: I slept in between my sheets on top of my bed :3 Twas very relaxing.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: When I read the ending of The Last Song.
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Probably something totally obnoxious, like, "beep! beep! beep!"
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 9. MLIAA (My Life Is Above Average)
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Hotel California ^_^
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: The chair's digging into my back, but it actually doesn't feel bad.
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Hehe, I thought it asked what my favorite mouth was xDDD. Ahem. Probably September or July.
Q: What did you do last night?
A: I watched an episode off a DVD with my family and went to bed.
Oh, and Den-chan. Just because I love you <3
1) I have a boyfriend. Weird, huh? I haven't quite gotten over it. It's really no different than being single.
2) Easter! My cousins came over. The young one is obnoxious, the other two are okay. The young one is enamored with me, and he is cute. Okay, get this, we were having a water fight, and everyone was ganging up on me because they had to go home later. Well, I was squirting them back. I squirted the young one in the shoulder and he started crying. That pansy. xDD (I really do love my cousins. They can be irritating at times, though)
3) A whole ton of homework. More homework than I've had the rest of the year combined. Two huge, boring projects and normal homework besides.
4) Romeo and Juliet in English. Today we insulted each other with all this old English. It was AWESOME! I have never had that much fun in that class! THOU ART A MANGLED, FOOL BORN MEASLE! THOUGH ART A DRONING, ILL-NURTURED MISCREANT! Ah, fun fun. :D
I was just reading over my world, and I've realized just how much my posts have changed!!! I have gone from posting evil, emo-ish posts to writing HAPPY HAPPY~Oh, look, a butterfly!!! (lol at all of you who catch the reference ^^) Well, not quite that extreme, but I feel happy just thinking that I may be a slightly less annoying person now.
Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas Adam (yesterday)
Merry Christmas Eve (today), and
MERRY CHRISTMAS (tomorrow)!!!
Haha, yesterday my brother came up to me and said, "Hey, asdlkhga;oei, merry Christmas Adam!"
Naturally, I'm thinking What the heck?
He then starts laughing and tells me that Adam came before Eve. Whoever sent him that text message, I will hunt you down and kill you. Well, not really. His girl?friend sent it to him, I think, and I have nothing against her :D
Are y'all excited about Christmas??? My brother and I just finished wrapping the presents (albeit very badly). I'm now excersising my interest in Christmas by listening to itunes and doing homework, haha!
I hope everybody has a merry Christmas!!!
(Oh, and apparantly "x-mas" isn't taking Christ out of Christmas. I heard that 'x' is LatinGreek for Jesus or something. Not sure if it's right, but it came from a reliable source.)
Denny and Kasa: If you read this, wanna get on aim?
I swear, School Rumble has to be one of the best animes AND mangas of all time! I laughed, I cried, I cried from laughing...So good. The dude who wrote is is a genius!!!
Den-Chan: How are you goin with the series, haha? Once you finish it I'd suggest reading it. It's soooo fantastically terrific!