Today I stayed home from school because I had a fever of 101. My dad thought I might have the flu, so I got to go to the doctors office! Yay! I got the flu test, which is that thing where they stick the little swab thing in your nose. Fortunately my dad didn't make me get tested for strep throat (sp?), which always makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. (For those of you who don't know, that's where the evil nurses stick the stick down your throat)
Anyway, it seems as though I have flu type B. Fortunately, though, I had gotten my flu shot, like always, so I just have a fever and a nasty cough XD. No nausea or other crap for me! Yay! Anyway, I took tylonal this morning, which made me feel better, and I also got the flu medicine.
My voice is all but gone, so every time I talk I sound like a toad. But I really am lucky! Type B is supposed to be worse than type A, so I'm reaaallly glad I got my flu shot! I feel bad for all those people who didn't get their shot and have the flu! If any of you out there have the flu, I feel for you, and I hop you feel better soon!