I am in an uncharacteristically bad mood today. The whole day I have been a drain on myself. I hate feeling unhappy, but I'm unhappy that I'm feeling unhappy and I'm feeling unhappy because one of my very good friends is unhappy and I can't stand to see him unhappy! He's unhappy because all these total @#$#@es keep dumping all their unhappy peice of @##% stories on him as well as other reasons that shall remain disclosed...And grr!
It doesn't help that when I'm not happy other people worry about me. I don't want them to become unhappy and have to worry about me! Which makes me wonder why I'm even writing this, but I really need to just dump this on something, and what better than to make this visible to people I don't know and who may be creepy stalkers who want to eat me? I wouldn't mind...Too much. When I'm in a bad mood I get in a really gosh-aweful mood (as far as my bad moods go), but I try to act happy anyway, which doesn't even make a freaking difference half the time because nobody would notice if I was sad anyway (with a few exceptions).
Sorry for dumping all my unhappiness on you people =(...*shoots self in head*