Yeah just trying the worlds thing out. Nothing much to see here folks!
I'll probably be posting more at my otaku's page

try my links of interests!
One of those Days
Aptitude Test

sick, colds, etc etc...

So we've been sick, achy, gross, and just plain lazy here the past lil' bit. it's okay we're mostly getting better here!

but I WILL say that I have a super dooper secret special surprise coming up for everyone >O>! like...soon! like either tonight or tomarrow! =-= watch for it....

Sick T_T;

Pffft was sick a couple of days. So was Cloud mostly took it easy, watched movies, n' whatnots.

We're better nowz.

Earlier today we where visited by door to door salesmen selling, of all things, vacuum cleaners.
Being the tremendously generous grandmother she is, Granny decided she was gonna feed them, and within 30 minutes we where all on first name basis telling each other's life stories.

It's funny how you can be praised for being nice from a stranger, and yet the people in your own town seems to believe that you're only good on occasion for trying to mooch off of, and talking bad behind your back to everyone else. I guess though that just goes back to knowing someone as opposed to not knowing them.
People here in town have a certain air of hierarchy because everyone practically knows everyone else (or related through one means or another) and if you aren't deemed a "regular" to them, than you're free game I suppose for mocking and gossip.

Sorta on the same basis of the old saying "you don't know what you've missed 'til its gone" (though a better saying now that I think about it would be "When you've done something right, people aren't sure you've done anything at all")
people take for granite too many things, and it's not 'til they really think about it do they realize the opportunities they have right there, and in most cases, they won't think about it 'til it's gone.

Birthdayness >O>!

so yeah, on the 16th it was my birthday >O>! yay me!

but I was at mom's n' couldn't really get any time to tell anyone much xpx'
I was taken over to mom's the day before >O> so I could help clean up some stuff 'cause some of my stepdad's family was gonna be coming over during the weekend (the 16th being on Friday) and I wasn't entirely sure when or what time they'd even be over there.
Well, we got me a birthday cake, and it's full of awesomeness and chocolate zoz! with cookie crums and the icing on it is like icecream xox! I sometimes don't like having my birthday so close to Christmas zpz Birthday gifts seem to be jipped sometimes, but that's alright. as a "small part of my birthday" I got a calender, which I did need. ANYWAY birthday comes around, and I'm still cleaning n' whatnots xpx' turns out stepdad's brother and his granddaughter came that day. Cloud gets picked up the next day, and we spend the weekend over there >O>! visiting n' stuff!
It was great, but soo soo tiring zoz; *collapses* teh dragon must sleep nowz.

Holiday Hijinks

It's been quiet on here at the otaku lately o_o.... I don't blame anyone that though, since it's been the holidays, and everyone's no doubt been busy. Here's my rundown on christmas presents for those that are curious: Portal (good g...

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Drafts and the reasoning

So I'm gonna start posting up in the Drafts. I've got a ton of old sketches and drawings that have never been shown, and quite frankly I think they need to xpx' lol One thing you'll notice about some of them is that they will be in grey as ...

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