I could never come up with a solid enough story to go through with using in RPG maker, so I stuck to simply making things for it. Everything from the sprites, to trying to figure out ways to do one thing or the other, so I got quite good with that. Code was far better suited to do the storyline, and he came up with the items, how much they cost, and tried to balance things out (another thing I disliked doing) So it seems a pretty good team really.
We came up with several ideas, but ultimately none ever got off the ground or was pushed aside for later. Not long ago, we FINALLY settled on a simple idea that actually revolves around his soon-to-be web comic. This wasn't the first time, but this one was more directly linked than our first idea. Since he's pushing to get his comic up very soon, it was up to me to make sure I could get some simple elements down, and even learn some new ones.
Skip this if you don't want technical babble and a analogy involving a rock and a camera:
In RPG maker, it's actually quite easy to make a game without too much difficulties, but with what Code was asking for was boarder lining to the more complicated things (but still simple in execution) One of these of course, is Variables. I can't explain what they are exactly, because quite frankly, I don't know. They are a thingy that stores numbers and remembers them. That's...really all I can say about them, but I know that's not enough, soo....
A recent thing I learned involved a rock being pushed from point A to point B and when rock reached point B (like say... a button on the floor of a dungeon) it would trigger a door to open. This dungeon room of course is a map in the game, and this map has X and Y coordinates (you know-- from math class--gross) Let's say I have this camera that watches one particular spot on the map. (ie button on the floor) because this spot has a number coordinate, it gets stored in a variable that this camera keeps track of. When rock reaches point B, the camera sees this and tells everything else to execute like door opening, button sinking down into the ground, etc.
End of technical babble
ANYWAY been learning some of that stuff and how to use them. Quite frankly though it's been kinda a slow process because of how I've always had a hard time wrapping my brain around some of the advanced concepts, but I think I'm starting to get some of it, and maybe we can get to work on actual things in the game, rather than having a demo test game to make sure things work zpz (no I'm not releasing it to the public- it's got glitches and bugs and knot 4 chu.)
You know I wonder how many people on the otaku has ever even heard of RPG maker >.>.... oh well. Sorry for the boring babble on it >p< but that's what I've been doing lately. Any questions?