
So it's Halloween, and gotta say, it's been mostly quiet for us. haven't gotten a lot of Trick or Treaters tonight. It rained earlier today, so it's kinda soggy night xpx; so I really don't blame them for not coming out.

But also it's the fact that we kinda live on the edge of town, so we never really get that many anyway. Oh well! more popcorn balls and tootsie rolls for me! Oh and no I didn't Dress up zpz Cloud did though for school. Went as "Christmas Spirit" which is basically an angel with lots of Christmas stuff all over the outfit. Most people her age are "clever" with theirs by basically being "the dead -instert whatever thing you have laying around the house-" ie: dead cheerleader, dead cowboy, which consists of old clothing of theirs with waaay too much caked on white makeup that ends up cracking and flaking off in a few hours.

Maybe next year we should start working on something neat...
So how's everyone else Halloween been?
