In My Pants

Stole this from cheriblosomchibi bcuz I could not and would not resist XD


-Put your music player on shuffle.

-List the first fifteen songs that come up.

-Add 'in my pants' to the end of each song name.

1. No. 5-in my pants(not really funny....)

2. Good Girls Go Bad-In My Pants (XD XD)

3. My Fist, your mouth, her scars-in my pants (XD does it all fit?)

4. Fade Away-in my pants (xD)

5. End of me-in my pants (my pants are the end of you! xD)

6. Snuff-in my pants (lol)

7. Eating me away-in my pants (?....XD)

8. sell your soul-in my pants (they pay a good price xD)

9. Sweet sacrifice-in my pants (:D)

10. Don't Turn Away-in my pants (or they will eat you xD)

11. Something-in my pants (what is it? XD)

12. Build god, then we'll talk-in my pants (XD)

13. Ordinary world-in my pants (i wouldn't say ordinary xD)

14. Bully-in my pants (Oh GOD! O_o XD)

15. Monster-in my pants (what kind of monster? ;])
