Brothers Grimm = <3

I went to my sisters open house today to make fun of the little kids that are still in high school. XD and I talked to my FAVORITE teacher who was my credit recovery teacher and since she's a english major she had a bunch of books so I was looking through her shelf while she talked to my ma and my sister and I ran into a very thick book titled: The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, and I about screamed! i have been wanting to read their fairy tales FOREVER! and I finally found them. I was like "MRS. C, MRS. C! (I dont call her mrs. c i just didnt want to put her name) LET ME BORROW THIS BOOK!" and obviously she isnt going to read it to 6th graders so she said yeah (and I was her favorite student so she loves me :3) IM SO HAPPY! it has 210 of the original fairy tales and ALSO 40 tales that have never before appeared in english! I'm like going all fangirl crazy on this book! XDDDDDDDDDD

I just started reading it a while ago so I'm not that far yet but the ones I've read so far are GREAT!!!! :D

anywayz, didnt do much today went to the school, went to the park, went to the store, went downtown. Also went to visit my grandpa at the cemetary while we were downtown. I miss my gandpa so much. RIP grampa.

and OH-Em-Gee, Me and FalseDelusion's RP world has reached over 1000 views. I do realize a lot of them are between me and her but STILL, thats a lot. This has only about over 600 and my other is only at over 100.

Anywayz, gonna go read those fairytales now. Later :D
