I am SO EXCITED right now.
yesterday someone called me. She was a career or school or something advisor and she sent out my information to a few schools that offered graphic design and today AI ART INSTITUTES CALLED ME!
I was like "whee whoo whee whoo OH MY JESUS!!!" I couldn't breathe
anywayz *takes deep breath*
the guy did all the usual stuff and asked me what I wanted to do and why i wanted to do it and asked me contact information and he set me up with a interview/meeting/campus tour for wednesday @ 12:30! (the 29th)
the campus is like 45 minutes away but STILL IM SO EXCITED.
my dads gonna take me :3
and i already got a babysitter too XD
but yeah he told me he would help me with admissions and financial aid and everything! :D He said each student gets their own financial advisor!
and he told me that AI has like a bagillion campuses nationwide and are affiliated to a bagilllion companies with careeer oppurtunities and all that statistic junk.
im so overjoyed right now.
i need to call more people LOL
I'm out...gotta go spread the news to everyone I know! XD

