
It's been awhile since I've done a blog post so i figured I would.

This Post is fueled by: Liars and Monsters - Escape The Fate

I've been neglecting theotaku Q.Q
which makes me feel really bad cuz i LOVE theotaku >.<
anywayz..whats new?
uhm....School has been going good.
my on campus class is actually really cool
we've been working with photoshop CS5 the last couple of classes
now my online psych class....
rrg I actually should be doing that right now...
but I dont feel like it. HA

Went Trick-or-treating last night with my daughter and my boyfriend.
Justin (meh bf) was the guy with the hat. XD
[which actually means he was nothing lol]
Erin was a little cute pirate princess :)
and I was from the zombie apocalypse :D
my hair and makeup was EPIC
I'm upset that I didn't have a damn camera :(
Justin and I actually didn't trick-or-treat, it was Erin.
but since Erin doesn't really need candy, we ate like half of it :)

What else....
Downloading the bonus tracks off of the new escape the fate album :)
I love it when albums get leaked XD
its great

Thinking about going to go start a picture...I just am not sure what I'm going to draw yet....

I guess that's it for now.
