Hello, and welcome to the Wii World!

This is where you will be updated on who vs. who games, or who & who vs. who & who games!

You will also find out what the characters look like on the Wii (my Wii - only if you ask)!

Skill Levels/points of the characters will always be posted.

Naruto vs. Sasuke (Rematch)

This is a Wii Bowling game.

Naruto won.

Naruto: Points were not higher than 165 (points in this game were 160) - Skill Level now is 416

Sasuke: Points were not higher than 175 (points in this game were 159) - Skill Level now is 334

Tenten & Kisame vs. Marco & Oscar

This is a Wii Tennis game (with 3 parts).

Tenten: Skill Level is 42

Kisame: Skill Level is 144

Tenten and Kisame won (Kisame hit the winning hit).

Tenten: Skill Level is now 83

Kisame: Skill Level is now 182

Pein vs. Tenten

This is a Wii Baseball game.

It was a 4-4 game.

It was a tie.

Naruto vs. Sasuke

This is a Wii Bowling game.

Naruto: Points were 119 - Skill Level was 260

Sasuke: No points before - same with Skill Level

Sasuke won.

Naruto: Points now are 165 - Skill Level now is 311

Sasuke: Points now are 175 - Skill Level now is 180

Rock Lee & Guy sensei vs. Emma &. Luca

This was a Wii Tennis game (with 3 parts).

Rock Lee: Skill Level was 267

Guy sensei: Skill Level was 117

Rock Lee and Guy sensei won (Lee hit the winning serve).

Rock Lee: Skill Level now is 286

Guy sensei: Skill Level now is 150