Have you ever felt you don't belong in the family you were born into? I constantly do.
My sister is the meggar bitch who can't help but shout spiteful and snide comments. Thing is I'm not the kind of person who will role over and take that shit and the biggest joke is she can't take what shit she throws out when it's thrown right back at her. Makes me laugh. Stupid cow.
my brother is a bigger alien and more obnoxious than I am and my mum is only happy when things go her way. If I'm upset or have an argument or have a bad day at work she tends to make my situation about her. I still don't know how!!... and my dad is a love lost puppy who follows my mum around with his tail between his facking legs. What's funnier is they are always moaning about Mark but nice as pie to his face. And then they suddenly surprised that I yell at them and protect him from them when they do it. They say Mark has changed me? No I'm learning how to respect myself in rl and learning my rights. I maybe a Alien and Alienated from my family. But outside of my family... I have loved ones and ny perfect man who know me and love me for who I am.
so I'm at the mercy of my family for two days without my Fiancé. It only took an hour this time today tostart on me. II'm so pissed off and upset. I wish Mark was here :'( oh well
call me your real life Rapunzel.
Thank you. *sigh and weep to myself*
Laters all x