Gathering dust...
I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;
Gathering dust...
I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;
Just got back from Otakon yesterday, and bought tickets to New York Comic Con five minutes ago.
It's happening during my fall break this year and I REALLY HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY.
-throws money everywhere-
I may or may not be drawing new pages for Guardian Angel after my two year hiatus.
(shuffles away)
So I should be sleeping or prepping for Otakon but instead I'm reuploading my old webcomic?????
Fixing up Guardian Angel, updating here: why am i doing this
Omg, so after compiling that enormous list of drawings that each of my characters have been in, I'm rereading the original Guardian Angel that I started drawing a little over four years ago.
The plot is so... unplottish. Apparently my sense of humor hasn't changed much, I'm sitting here giggling at my own drawings like an enormous derp. orz
I still have the original comic lying around in a folder somewhere. I'm planning to buy a printer/scanner for the next semester, maybe I can reupload better scans if I have the time!
Drawing this comic really boosted my art, like woah. I improved so much as I was drawing this....
Ughhhhh I'm working on 'The Priest and the Doctor' now, but I can't seem to get into it yet. Still working out the plot details, but hopefully I can use what I learned from GA.
update: omg ovaries exploding for ch2/3 Roswell and Lucifer what have I created
update: ugh oh lord i am getting the most horrible urges to finish drawing this series