Gathering dust...
I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;
Gathering dust...
I don't respond to a lot of my comments...sorry. I love them and am so grateful to receive them, but I usually only respond when I have something interesting to say. :/
So sorry if I offended anyone with this habit of mine. ;___;
Seeing as it'll probably be a while until I have access to a scanner OR photoshop, I'm uploading some of my drawings as photos.
They're pretty low quality with little/no editing, but I'll post up some scanned version as soon as I can. <3
Thanks for your support, guys.
Meanwhile, I am
Me: WHYYYY----?? D:
MS Paint: KUFUFUFUFU!! Back so soon?? <333
Me: N-NO!!
So these are just ones that colette515 and I dug up online (most of the credit goes to her), but we are planning a photoshoot before the end of the month. >____< I beg your patience.
Gathering: (towards the bottom)
Older stuff: Vincent, from AX2008
Um...sorry about this. I'm not too familiar with theO's link system yet, but I'll get it up eventually. ;_____;
I got a new account. c:
It's the same screenname as my account here, so you should be able to find me.
I'll upload some newer photos when I can~!
Wow, it is 2009, isn't it?
So I went to the first day of ALA as Zero. Maybe pictures later, I don't know. xD
It was too bad that there wasn't a single Kaname there.
Haha. Since I didn't have a camera, I basically went around hugging people instead of taking pictures. I hugged a Sebastian(Kuroshitsuji) and a Sweeney Todd. Yay. -fangirls-
Ahhh. My legs hurt.
I'm glad my gun didn't break like it did in AX. But that wig was such a pain. My real hair kept slipping out even though I used 5000 pins and clips.
Look forward to tomorrow as Akabane!
Lol wtf. Akabane got almost twice as many pics taken as Zero. And I thought hardly anyone would recognize me. Maybe it was just because there were more people.
So it turns out that I wasn't the only GB cosplayer. I found a Makubex and a Ban(who was a recycled Wolfwood LOL). NO GINJI TO RAPE. -is sad-
Ah. I forgot. I hugged a really awesome Sephiroth yesterday too.
I got hugged by a Kadaj. c: Randomness.
In other news, there was a Joker. And a Joker Nurse. And another Sweeney Todd.
And a guy in the Haruhi-Suzimiya-Bunny-wtf suit. o___o Admittedly, he had nice legs. I admire his courage. I get the creeping feeling that he only got away with it because he was Asian. White men crossdressing skimpily just feels different, I guess?
Kuroshitsuji: There were more Ciel's today, and I saw too Grell's also. And I met yesterday's Sebastian. He was more decked out today. <3
OH RIGHT. I'm really sorry, but I don't think I took any photos at all... ;___;
I'll see if I can find some of me posted online and link to them.
AGHHHHH. Back to reality. And school.
Edit: So now I think I'm one of, like, five Akabane cosplayers.
**This is copied directly from my deviantART journal (too lazy to edit so that it makes sense)
So I wish everyone a joyous new year. :D
Eat, sleep, and leave all your homework over break for tomorrow. >____> If you're like me, anyways, and your stress level is over your head.
Graaah. But I have to work today, because tomorrow I'm going to ALA(Anime Los Angeles).
Hm. Is anyone else going?
I'll be cosplaying Zero(Vampire Knight) on Friday and Akabane(Get Backers) on Saturday.
Haha, have fun, everyone.